How it Works
Auto Repair Hub helps users find a trusted shop, print active coupons, set appointments online and leave reviews.
Repair shops listed in our directory are recognized as honest businesses. In return, Auto Repair Hub gives them the ability to connect with potential customers searching for repair services. |
Automobile repair shops register on our site to connect with potential customers by showcasing shop profiles. These profiles supply our users with information such as area of expertise, geographical location and shop ratings.
Users search Auto Repair Hub for repair shops based on a set of specific requirements. Our platform provides these results, listing the nearest providers first. Results can be narrowed down by applying filters such as type of car, rating or additional services.
Shops listed on our site have increased reach and visibility beyond local advertisements and in turn, increase customers. Service providers can promote shops further by allowing users to set appointments through the site and by distributing discount and offer coupons. These offers create a mutually beneficial relationship between shops and vehicle owners.